Monday, January 11, 2010

How to make an Effective Communication

Effective communication can be defined as a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, sign or behavior. It may be in different forms. The basic forms of communication are:-
1. Speaking
2. Non-verbal communication
3. Body language
4. Sign language

Nowadays we can find people speaking about effective communication tips. At the same time we can see people complaining that that they lack communication skills. Many of them join personality development classes to improve their communication skills.

How to make an effective communication?
The answer is very simple. In order to make an effective communication speak what you think, do not hesitate to speak and be very free and frank. Make sure that your hands do not go above your chest level. See that you don’t make your listeners bored or fed up with your talk.

What are the points to be considered while communicating?
Speak to the point. Don’t beat behind the bush always or else you will lose the importance of your speech.

In today’s world communication has become a very important aspect of your personality when you move on with your career whether it is during your post graduation or job interview or something else. It plays an important role when two persons interact with each other. They have to communicate in an effective manner so that the other person understands the message well.

You can come to know whether your communication is effective or not by the reaction shown by the listeners. By seeing the face of the person listening to your speech it can be easily identified if the person is being able to understand or not. At the same time the main point that has to be remembered in order to be a good communicator is that we need to be a good listener if we want to be a good communicator

1 comment:

  1. Professor Piron was a translator with the United Nations in Geneva.

    A glimpse of Esperanto can be seen at
